Interfaces packages

SILE package class.


package:registerCommand(name, func[, help[, pack]]) Register a function as a SILE command.


package:registerCommand(name, func[, help[, pack]])
Register a function as a SILE command. Takes any Lua function and registers it for use as a SILE command (which will in turn be used to process any content nodes identified with the command name.

A similar method is available for classes, classes:registerCommand.


  • name string Name of cammand to register.
  • func function Callback function to use as command handler.
  • help nil or string User friendly short usage string for use in error messages, documentation, etc. (optional)
  • pack nil or string Information identifying the module registering the command for use in error and usage messages. Usually auto-detected. (optional)

See also:

generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 1980-01-01 00:00:00