Version v0.13.1 of SILE has been released and is available for download! See the included or review the commit history for more explicit details.
Summary of Improvements
Hot on the heals of a major release we have small one to patch up some odds and ends. Thanks to Fredrick Brennan for correcting my oversight in not distributing some of the new localization files. If by chance you’ve on a new fangled hardware platform like RISC-V things should build out of the box now. The documentation for installation on various systems has also been cleaned up. Thanks to Didier Willis for some new rule functions and fixes to old ones plus leader alignment corrections.
- build: Update libtexpdf to support new hardware platforms (da1182e)
- packages: Add hrulefill command to the "rules" package (ccd3371)
- packages: Add strikethrough command to the rules package (#1422) (f230a3a)
- packages: Use new strikethrough when rendering Panndoc's SILE writer (20d19eb)